Conservative Twitter is having a great time tonight celebrating the defeat of Eric Cantor -- here are the lessons they're taking away.
DAVE BRAT WINS BY A WALLOPING 55.6-44.4%. if only the voters know about the candidates' positions on immigration, amnesty loses.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 11, 2014
Big congrats to @DaveBratVA7th - & kudos to @ingrahamangle for cranking it up. Anti-amnesty revolt has just begun. Colorado is next!
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 11, 2014
Note to media establishment: The #TeaParty is dead? No, no, no. Amnesty-supporting @EricCantor is:
— Michael Johns (@michaeljohns) June 11, 2014
David Brat defeats Eric Cantor:
— RedState (@RedState) June 11, 2014
Hard to tell who's happier over Cantor loss -- GOP right or Democratc left.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) June 11, 2014
Virginians listened to Ted Cruz. Now they’re making DC listen.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) June 11, 2014
Draft Boehner Statement: "I for one welcome our new talk radio overlords."
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) June 11, 2014
Watch media and pols. Anyone rattled tonight Is PART OF THE PROBLEM. Cantor was in office 24 yrs!!!!!! How is this a bad thing?
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) June 11, 2014