Must-see morning clip: Watch George W. Bush unwittingly take the Ice Bucket Challenge

Laura Bush is sneaky

Published August 20, 2014 1:28PM (EDT)

         (Today/Bush Family)
(Today/Bush Family)

"Today" show correspondent Jenna Bush Hager continues to use the national morning news program as her family's personal show-and-tell hour after she nominated her dad, who "just happens" to be former President George W. Bush, to take the Ice Bucket Challenge. Despite concerns that participating was "unpresidential," the elder Bush obliged -- though he set out to write a check to the ALS charity the challenge benefits rather than dump a bucket of ice water on his head. He seemed genuinely surprised -- or just very, very cold -- when his wife, Laura, creeped up behind him and doused him in ice water, anyway.

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By Prachi Gupta

Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at

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George W. Bush Ice Bucket Challenge Jenna Bush Hager Laura Bush Today Show Video