Kevin Sorbo appeared on Fox News' "Outnumbered," on Tuesday, and drew some interesting conclusions about the NFL, Ray Rice and accountability.
It all boiled down to this fallacious argument: If we can't expect the White House to be held accountable for Benghazi, or the IRS scandal, how can we expect the NFL to be held accountable for its handling of the Ray Rice scandal and domestic violence?
The hosts angrily discussed Ravens leadership, whether they believed owner Steve Bisciotti and the fact that Bisciotti insisted that nobody would lose their jobs over this scandal.
“Does he really think we’re stupid?” exclaimed Andrea Tantaros. “Am I really to believe that an organization as powerful as the Baltimore Ravens, that spends almost every waking moment reviewing tape of the other team — reviewing tapes, reviewing plays and tapes! — doesn’t want to get this tape? It is such a bunch of bull, and I’m sick of them lying.”
They then turned to Sorbo for his opinion. Sorbo agrees with the women that there needs to be accountability, but he's skeptical it'll happen.
“There’s no accountability in the White House with Benghazi, the IRS and all that kind of stuff,” Sorbo stated. “How do we expect to have accountability with something like a professional football team?”
Watch below, via Raw Story: