Four-time Tony Awards host Neil Patrick Harris is now headed to Los Angeles to be the master of ceremonies of the Academy Awards on February 22. To announce his new gig, NPH made the most charming cell phone video.
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As a bonus, we get see a list of his life goals. Check 'em out:
- Jump out of a plane
- Move to NYC
- Saw a lady in half
- Win a Tony Award
- Perform with Muppets
- Star in TV show
- Bungee jump
- Rap with Snoop Dog [sic]
- Juggle flaming torches
- Star in Broadway show
- White water rafting
- Become an Imagineer
- Fly in hot-air balloon
- Birthday treasure hunt
- Meet the President
- Have children
- Sleep in Cinderella's castle
- Get married
- Write a book
- Host the Oscars
Guess which one hasn't been accomplished yet?