Tucker Carlson had some suggestions for the writers of "Saturday Night Live" on Sunday's edition of "Fox & Friends," when he suggested the sketch show might be better off picking on transgender people's altogether basic and understandable need to use the restroom instead of making fun of ISIS. Carlson's response to a controversial "SNL" sketch that depicted actress Dakota Johnson joining the Islamic militant group involved an astute critique of the bit, which he called "appalling" but also "kind of funny."
“I’m kind of for comedy that goes as far as it can, I actually am,” Carlson said. “But I always feel like with shows like 'SNL' and comedy in general, it does stop short of the sacred cows on the left. I would love to see an 'SNL' sketch making fun of transgender bathrooms, for example. You will never, ever see that. Why? Because it’s just too far."
Carlson also suggested "SNL" would do well to mock climate change activists -- not climate change deniers -- in the future. "I would love to see mocking the hysteria around climate change," he said. "That would be bold. You think they'd have the stones to do that?"
Watch the clip, via Raw Story, below: