New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s approval rating with state voters fell 6 points since April to a record low 30 percent in June according to a new Farleigh Dickinson poll released today.
55 percent of voters disapprove of his job performance, the poll found.
Christie, who’s overseen a record nine credit downgrades for the state, has been spending a lot of time outside of New Jersey. He has frequently visited New Hampshire to test the waters for a potential 2016 presidential run. But all that attention to the first-in-the-nation primary state has only garnered Christie 5% support in the latest Suffolk University poll of Republican primary voters.
Donald Trump polls better than Chris Christie, taking 11 percent of the vote.
As Politico points out, Christie's poll numbers are as lagging as fellow Republican governor and potential 2016 GOP contender, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, with a plurality of Republican voters saying that they like Christie less now than when he first took office and 39 percent of all respondents saying they “dislike everything” about him.
Christie, who said that he will announce by the end of the month whether he is running for president, has been mired in scandal ever since his fleeting surge in popularity following his handling of Superstorm Sandy. The same poll had Christie’s approval at 77 percent in the immediate aftermath of the storm.