The 12 most incredible pint-size look-alikes in "Orange Is the New Black" Season 3

From Morello to Caputo, "OITNB" excels at finding the perfect mini-me for flashback scenes

Published June 28, 2015 9:00PM (EDT)


Spoilers for Season 3 abound.

"Orange Is the New Black" has the best kid casting on TV, no contest. With every flashback that is revealed to us -- pint-size Pennsatucky swilling Mountain Dew outside the Social Security Administration office, Healy tending to his mentally ill mother, preteen Boo holding up a frilly frock with scorn -- I'm increasingly impressed by casting director Jennifer Euston and her team, who have an almost savant-like ability to find flawless mini-me dopplegangers for the ladies of Litchfield.

Season 3, in particular, is a high watermark, as we get an even wider look at the messy, complicated, difficult childhoods that set our ladies on the road to life in khakis. Here's a look at 12 spot-on moments of kid casting from Season 3:

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By Anna Silman

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