Rudy Giuliani has made the ultimate show of loyalty to long-time friend Donald Trump. He's backing the GOP presidential hopeful in his disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants being "rapists."
Appearing on MSNBC's "Hardball" Tuesday evening, the former New York mayor told host Chris Matthews that he still respects Trump and believes he's an "unbiased" man, adding that he wasn't incorrect in saying that Mexican immigrants are rapists. He just made the point "in reverse."
"What he should have said is, most people come across the border for economic reasons," he continued.
Matthews interjected: "I think he said ... to 'rape people' basically."
Giuliani seemed unaffected. It's an inevitably, he suggested, because so many people are coming across the border "unchecked."
Some of them "murder people, kill people and are terrorists," he said.
Watch the clip courtesy of MSNBC below: