Miss Nevada was asked a question about race relations in America last night — and her response was excruciating

Lucky for Donald Trump, he wasn't there to experience the embarrassment firsthand

Published July 13, 2015 6:42PM (EDT)

Miss Nevada      (The Reelz)
Miss Nevada (The Reelz)

Miss Nevada's gown wasn't the only thing she wound up tripping over during The Reelz network's Miss USA pageant Sunday night. By the end of the program, it became clear that her words, too, were just as prone to disaster. Arguably, they resulted in much more damage to the entire country, too.

During the Q&A portion of the Donald Trump pageant, the model was asked what she would do to improve race relations in the U.S. "Please be specific!" the moderator added.

Things got off to a rocky start when Brittany McGowan led into her response by, first, repeating the question.

Then, her highly specific solution: “Get more races grouped together, and be able to be with each other in a non- … let’s see…”

McGowan wasn't able to find much redemption in the rest of her response, either. Continuing on, the model stated: "We need to be more accepting of each other and bring people together!"

The winner that night, Miss Oklahoma, won over the hearts of judges with her response to race relations in America “We have not solved this issue!”

Donald Trump, the mogul-pageant co-owner of the event, was conspicuously absent from the event. After NBC and Univision cut ties with Trump for his anti-Mexican comments, Trump announced on Twitter that he'd be unable to attend the event because he was "campaigning in Phoenix."

Watch the clip below:

By Colin Gorenstein

Colin Gorenstein is Salon's assistant editor of internet and viral content. Follow @colingorenstein or email cgorenstein@salon.com.

MORE FROM Colin Gorenstein

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