Jennifer Lawrence may not be exiting X-Men after all: “ I don’t want to not be asked”

The star has previously suggested that "X-Men: Apocalypse" will be her last outing as Mystique

Published July 17, 2015 2:40PM (EDT)

  (AP/Paul A. Hebert)
(AP/Paul A. Hebert)

Jennifer Lawrence has previously suggested that 2016's “X-Men: Apocalypse” would mark her last outing as blue shapeshifter Mystique.

“I love working with Bryan [director Bryan Singer], and I love these movies,” she told Entertainment Weekly when they visited the film’s set in May. “It’s just the paint.”

Explaining that she was only 20 when she signed on for her first “X-Men” outing, Lawrence says she used to be a little more cavalier about all the “fumes and toxins” used to create Mystique’s signature cerulean look. "Now I’m almost 25 and I’m like, ‘I can’t even pronounce this and that’s going in my nose? I’m breathing that?’”

Still, fans have reason to remain optimistic. Asked about the chances that she might return for a redux, J-Law didn’t shut down the possibility completely. “There is hope,” she said. “I don’t want to not be asked.”

A studio not asking Hollywood's most bankable actress to helm their major comic-book franchise and earn them millions of dollars? Sounds like those blue paint fumes really are getting to J-Law's head.

By Anna Silman

MORE FROM Anna Silman

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Hollywood Jennifer Lawrence X-men X-men: Apocalypse. Movies