Former President Bill Clinton told Stephen Colbert there is no conspiracy when it comes to Donald Trump on Tuesday night's Late Show.
For months there has been a right wing conspiracy surrounding a meeting between the two that occurred prior to Trump announcing his presidential campaign. Many believe Trump's candidacy is a trick democrats are using to derail the GOP from the inside out because Trump is so popular with tea party voters by turning off women and people of color. Some on the left even believe the conspiracy because an independent Trump candidacy in a three-way race with Clinton and Bush seals the White House for Clinton.
"I get credit for doing a lot of things I didn’t do," Clinton said. "I had very pleasant conversation with him, and it wasn’t about running for office. So I missed the chance."
When asked why Trump is so popular Clinton said it was because the real-estate mogul is a "master brander" and "the most interesting character out there." Clinton explained that when Trump speaks he "overrides the ideological differences. If you look at the first debate, a lot of those guys were competing for who could be the most politically correct on the answers. Trump says 'Ok, I've supported Democrats I've supported Republicans. Yeah, I use to be friends with Bill Clinton, who cares. I run things, and I've built things and you need somebody who will go in there and fix it. And if they don't let me fix it, I'll just get 'em outa the way.' It may have a short half life, his campaign, I can't tell, yet."
Clinton went on to say that there's a macho appeal to a candidate saying "I'm sick of nothing happening. I'm going to make things happen. Vote for me."
When asked why Bernie Sanders was doing so well Clinton explained that there is a belief by Democrats that with the GOP turning so far right the only rational response is to find someone further left. Clinton also believes "there are a lot of people all over the world who are hacked off who think the system is rigged against them and the rich get all the gains." Clinton didn't mention if he agrees with the philosophy that the system is rigged, but major democratic politicians like Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden as well as Sanders have been saying this for quite a while.
When asked who he thinks is the most qualified to be the next President, Clinton didn't hide his bias. "The lady I saw singing on Saturday Night Live," Clinton said talking about his wife’s guest appearance on Saturday Night Live, where she played a bartender named Val.
"Yeah, that Val woman was wonderful," Colbert said.
"Made me want to take a drink with her," Clinton said laughing.
Check out the video below: