Benghazi select committee chairman Trey Gowdy is very upset at House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy for confessing that the purpose of the committee is to derail Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, and in an interview on "The Kelly File" last night, Megyn Kelly cut to the heart of the matter.
"I ask you this directly," she asked, "has [Kevin McCarthy] apologized to you?"
"Profusely, Megyn," Gowdy replied. "Kevin is a friend, but that doesn't insulate him from being wrong. He has apologized profusely, and I have accepted it. Now it is time for me to get ready for October 22nd, when [Clinton] will appear before us."
Rep. Gowdy went on at length about how the committee was not focused on Clinton, noting that there will be 40 witnesses called after October 22nd "not a one of whom will be named 'Clinton.' But she was Secretary of State -- I cannot avoid calling her."
"She's going to be asked fact-centric questions," he added, "and my conclusion is that she will be convinced that this committee proves, for once, that a Washington investigation can be done the right way."
Watch the entire interview below via Fox News.