In her latest syndicated column, conservative provocateur Ann Coulter attacked the House Freedom Caucus's choice for next speaker, Paul Ryan, for what she is calling his "Intimate Poverty Tour," which she believes is a vanity project dedicated to planting "a photo of himself on the mantle of every black household in America."
Coulter argued that like his mentor, former Republican Congressman Jack Kemp, Ryan wants to "showcase his deep concern for the poor without doing a thing to help them," a strategy she believes is "the hallmark of the 'empowerment' crowd."
Like Kemp, "Ryan acts as if he's the tribune of blacks and Hispanics, chastising Republicans for 'preaching to the choir,'" when he is, in fact, "preach[ing] to the mariachi band," given that he "is a huge supporter driving down Hispanic wages by endlessly dumping low-wage workers on the country" -- because as she demonstrated repeatedly on her recent appearance on "The View," she believes all Hispanics are competing with each other for the same "low-wage" positions, in particular, maids and landscapers.
According to Coulter, Ryan is no better than "a mentally impaired actor" she met "[a]bout a decade ago" who declared that there had never been "a war on poverty." His ideas for combating poverty are inherently ineffective, because he doesn't embrace the draconian welfare and immigration reforms that are Coulter's stock-in-trade.
"All of human experience has already taught us how to fight poverty," she wrote, "and it doesn't involve the words 'opportunity,' 'empowerment' or 'zone.'"