A proper eulogy is honest in its reverence for the deceased. Today, while remarking on the passing of an old friend, Mitt Romney inadvertently admitted a simple truth that amounts to Republican heresy these days -- Romneycare is the foundation of Obamacare.
When Mitt Romney lauded the lifetime accomplishments of Staples cofounder, Thomas Stemberg, in a Boston Globe obituary today, the former Massachusetts governor praised his close friend for advocating on behalf of the Massachusetts state initiative to provide affordable health insurance to all residents. It was Romney's Bain Capital that helped back the opening of Stemberg's Staples stores and Romney praised his friend as “an extraordinarily creative and dynamic visionary."
“Without Tom pushing it, I don’t think we would have had Romneycare,” Romney explained. “Without Romneycare, I don’t think we would have Obamacare."
"So, without Tom a lot of people wouldn’t have health insurance,” he honestly pronounced.
Romney's admission is a far cry from his claims during the 2012 election against President Obama. "I … recognize that a lot of pundits around the nation are saying that I should say that was a bone-headed idea, and I presume folks would think that would be good for me politically,” Romney said of his signature health care law back in May 2011. “But there’s only one problem with that. It wouldn’t be honest.”
Obviously catching wind of an oncoming backlash, Romney again changed his mind on what would be an honest assessment of his Romneycare, breathlessly rushing out this this nonsensical "correction":
Getting people health insurance is a good thing, and that’s what Tom Stemberg fought for. I oppose Obamacare and believe...
Posted by Mitt Romney on Friday, October 23, 2015
Meanwhile, Mitt's son, Matt, is busy quipping that Katy Perry's skintight dresses caused his father's 2012 downfall: