Justin Bieber storms out of interview after he was asked to help "break the Internet"

Some humor may have been lost in translation with this Spanish radio station

Published October 29, 2015 2:38PM (EDT)

  (Youtube/Vodafone yu)
(Youtube/Vodafone yu)

For those of us who love awkward celebrity/journalist interactions, this year has been a gift that keeps on giving. There was Cara Delevingne giving world-historical sass on a local morning show, Robert Downey Jr. storming out on a reporter who got too "Diane Sawyer" with him, and Robert De Niro leaving in a huff when a reporter’s questions reportedly had “a negative inference.”

Today we can add Justin Bieber to that list, who walked out of a painfully uncomfortable Spanish radio interview where he was bombarded by bizarre questions (many of them lost in translation), like whether he dresses himself and if he has a lady in his life. After the hosts ask him to help them "break the internet," Biebs simply ups and leaves, never to return. Revel in the awkwardness below, courtesy of ABC:

By Anna Silman

MORE FROM Anna Silman

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