"Talking Shop with Bernie Sanders": Watch Killer Mike's full 6-part interview

The rapper and the Vermont senator talk guns, weed, God and a whole lot more in this much anticipated interview

By Sophia Tesfaye

Senior Politics Editor

Published December 15, 2015 7:29PM (EST)

Big time Bernie Sanders booster and Atlanta hip-hop star Killer Mike has released his 6-part interview with the candidate, hoping to broaden Sanders' appeal with young voters.

While introducing Sanders at an Atlanta rally last month, the rapper explained that he spent five hours with the Vermont senator, including a shared meal at a local soul food restaurant. The two's hour-long conversation took place at Killer Mike's barbershop, Swag Shop.

"What is socialism and what does it mean to the black community?" Killer Mike directly asked the self-described democratic socialist who trails rival Hillary Clinton by 65 percent among African-American voters in South Carolina, according to one recent poll.

"To be truly free, you need economic rights," Sanders matter-of-factly pronounced. In the series of separate videos titled "Economic Freedom," "Social Justice," "A Rigged Economy," "Free Health Care: It Ain't a Big Deal," "This Country Was Started as an Act of Political Protest," "Democrats Win When People Vote," the two discussed a wide variety of topics.

In the sixth and final installment the two finally reached a point of contention: Guns.

“I’m from the South. I like guns a lot,” Killer Mike told Sanders as he pressed him on his support for a federal assault weapons ban. "I'm an NRA member ... I just don't like Wayne LaPierre."

Watch the full interview below:

Rapper Killer Mike Introduces Bernie Sanders

By Sophia Tesfaye

Sophia Tesfaye is Salon's senior editor for news and politics, and resides in Washington, D.C. You can find her on Twitter at @SophiaTesfaye.

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