Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter appeared on "Hardball with Chris Matthews" yesterday to discuss Donald Trump's recent statements about the destruction of the Twin Towers and George W. Bush's decision to prosecute a war in Iraq.
Coulter was on a panel that also included Republican Representative Mark Sanford and Jeb Bush senior adviser Al Cardenas, but Matthews let her have the first world "because I have no idea where you're going with this."
"Americans have had enough with the foreign wars," Coulter said. "It didn't work then, it's not working now -- and whether it's Bush's fault or Obama's fault [for withdrawing ground troops too hastily], when you watch these debates half of them are the Republicans talking about the 'coulds' and the Kurds. Can we get back to America?"
Matthews asked Cardenas whether Jeb was more like his brother or his father when it comes to foreign wars -- a strange question, given that both launched wars in Iraq whose stated intent was to end the reign of Saddam Hussein. After Cardenas spouted off half a stump speech about Trump's lack of experience with foreign policy, Sanford said that the front-runner's focus on Iraq, Syria, and 9/11 is going to backfire.
Coulter later accused the GOP establishment of pushing the party into "suicidal positions," by which she meant ones like those made by George W. Bush, which were far too "politically correct."
"No racial profiling of Arabs at airports?" she asked. "Actually, I think you can say there's some partial blame for Bush."
Watch the entire interview below via MSNBC.