These college students don't recognize Joe Biden or Ronald Reagan — but guess who they have no problem identifying

And they go to George Mason University just minutes from Washington D.C.

Published February 17, 2016 6:46PM (EST)

Members of political awareness group Politech, that began at Texas Tech University, are traveling the country to see just how much college students know about history and politics.

Their first video, shot on their home campus, shocked viewers with how little college students know about the country.

The group recently visited George Mason University — located in Virginia just minutes from Washington D.C. — and asked students, some of whom said they were political science majors, to identify Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden from official photos.

The students' answers are frightening but even worse is that while most did not know their own vice president one reality television face was instantly recognizable to every student. Watch our video to find out who.

And check out the full video from Politech here.

By Janet Upadhye

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