"Our best shot of going black-to-black in the White House": Trevor Noah's ode to Ben Carson's kaput campaign

"The guy sounds like he's deciding whether or not to have fries with his order," Noah saiys

Published March 8, 2016 12:41PM (EST)

"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah on Monday night gave a final farewell to "our best shot of going black-to-black in the White House," former-GOP candidate Ben Carson.

"Dr. Ben Carson gave the prognosis on his own campaign, he did all he could," Noah explained. "But, in the end, it couldn't be saved."

"He can't even muster any energy when he says he's dropping out of the race," Noah added. "The guy sounds like he's deciding whether or not to have fries with his order."

Correspondent Roy Wood, Jr., then interjected to remind Noah that while Carson's campaign was laughably ill-advised, "black people used to look up to him."

Wood Jr. and fellow correspondent Jessica Williams then launched into a Carson-themed rendition of Police's "Every Breath You Take," called "Every Nap You Take."

Watch the full segment below:

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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