On The O'Reilly Factor Thursday evening, host Bill O'Reilly spoke to Texas Senator Ted Cruz about the unlikely possibility that he will win, show, or even place in the upcoming New York GOP presidential primary.
He began, however, by lecturing the senator in his Talking Points Memo, saying that "the disadvantage for Mr. Cruz is the 'New York values' debate -- in January the senator said New York values are 'pro-abortion or pro- gay-marriage, focus around money and the media.'"
"Now Trump is using that statement to hammer Cruz," he continued. "The truth is that New York City values are very left wing, but the rest of the state lines up fairly conservative."
Cruz, O'Reilly said before speaking to the senator, "is a conservative Texan who now has to convince jaded New Yorkers that he is not denigrating them -- that he was simply pointing out Donald Trump's past history of giving donations to people like Hillary Clinton and Governor Andrew Cuomo."
The senator replied, saying that "folks across New York and across the country know exactly what 'New York values' means."
"Those are the values of liberal Democratic politicians who are hammering this state. People stop me every day to say they know exactly what I meant -- they're fed up with what liberal Democrats are doing to the people of New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo actually said that if you are pro-life and in favor of traditional marriage and support the Second Amendment, 'there is no place for you in New York.'"
"Donald Trump has been funding this year after year," Cruz concluded. "He is part of the corruption."
Watch the entire segment below via Fox News.