On The O'Reilly Factor Monday night, host Bill O'Reilly attacked media outlets -- most likely including this one -- for calling him out on his comments about the unemployability of African-Americans because of the tattoos they all have on their foreheads.
O'Reilly is -- at least in his own mind -- a champion of the black community and its only possible savior, so it's not surprising he was offended when he was called out for what were baldly racist comments. As he even noted, he was making "generalized" statements about black people, which is pretty much the definition of racism, except not to his mind.
"I asked Mr. Trump how he would combat a culture among some African-Americans [who] scorn conventional behavior, [and] he replied that job growth would take care of it," O'Reilly said. "The race hustlers -- who apparently have not walked the streets of poor neighborhoods lately -- immediately accused me of racism."
"That is why," O'Reilly argued, "the acute problem of cultural deprivation among under-classed children of all colors is never addressed. The smear merchants hammer anyone who does so. It’s beyond disgraceful that powerful people look away from the real problem."
Watch the entire segment below via Fox News.