Elizabeth Warren has dutifully taken on the role of happy warrior, taking on troll and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on his preferred platform, Twitter, on behalf of all decent Americans -- even as she's drawn direct fire from the blustery, perhaps not-so-billionaire, businessman.
“Well, she’s a senator that has done nothing. She just talks,” Trump said of Warren on Fox News Tuesday night, a week after the Massachusetts senator took to Twitter to blast the presidential candidate as only inspiring the Klu Klux Klan with his “racism, sexism, and xenophobia,” and vowing to ensure that he never reaches the White House.
“She has had a big, failed record as a senator, and all of a sudden about a week ago she started tweeting violently about me,” Trump explained to Fox's Bill O'Reilly. “Just every tweet was … about Trump, Trump, Trump.”
“Frankly, as you know, the previous senator who is a big supporter of mine, Scott Brown, is somebody that gave me a lot of information about her,” Trump said, insisting that the popular progressive is actually "not highly respected.”
“She sees polls that I’m going to beat Hillary, and she’d like to make sure the Democrats win, but she sees polls that I’m going to beat Hillary,” he said. “And I finally hit her back, and I think I hit her back very hard, and I had no choice but to do that”:
“She went on a Twitter rant that was sort of amazing, so I tweeted a few things and that was the end of that, and I haven’t heard from her since,” Trump smugly told O'Reilly on Tuesday night:
Wednesday morning, Mic.com released a preview of its new interview with Warren, including the senator's response to her newly bestowed nickname.
"Really? That's the best you could come up with? Come on," the Massachusetts progressive told Mic's Zeeshan Aleem. "I thought Donald Trump said he was a guy who was good with words":