Bill Maher takes aim at the left: "Where are liberals to stand up for Muslims around the world?"

The "Real Time" host decries progressives' refusal to acknowledge Islamic extremism following the Orlando massacre

Published June 18, 2016 3:04AM (EDT)

Things got heated on the "Real Time" panel last night when the discussion veered towards the increasingly partisan issue of acknowledging "radical Islamic terrorism."

New York Times contributor Josh Barro noted that "Islamic terrorism in the United States is very rare," with which host Bill Maher agreed, but argued for a wider perspective.

"This is the American myopia," Maher said. "They think of the three million Muslims in America, who, by the way, are the lucky ones because they can come out of the closet, or they can elope with someone who is not of their faith, or they can leave the religion, or they can draw a cartoon without getting killed."

"This is not the case for so many millions of Muslims around the world," he continued. "Where are the liberals to stand up for them?"

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By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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Josh Barro Radical Islamic Terrorism Real Time With Bill Maher