"Late Show" host Stephen Colbert on Monday's live show brought his "Hungry for Power Games" segment to Cleveland for the Republican National Convention.
"The red carpet, of course, is here to hide the rivers of blood that will eventually pour down from the cornucopia, when Donald Trump, flanked by his two eunuchs, takes the stage," Colbert said from the floor of the Quicken Loans Arena. "By eunuchs I mean Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus, who clearly checked their balls at the door this election."
In the nearly empty arena, Colbert crashed an emptier stage to announce over the speaker system, "This week in this arena, the Republicans shall prove they are truly passionate about one candidate — Hillary Clinton."
"They will do anything to stop her, up to and including nominating Donald J. Jonah Jameson Trump," he continued. "But Tribute Trump will not enter the arena alone. No. He has formed an alliance with Indiana Governor Mike Pence ... So it is my honor to hereby launch and begin the 2016 Republican National Hungry for Power Games."
Watch the full segment below: