Donald Trump is blaming others for his North Korea mess

Actual diplomacy takes a back seat; the urgent task is finding somebody else to blame

Published September 20, 2017 8:19AM (EDT)

 (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)
(AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

President Donald Trump's Twitter feed gives the world amazing insight into the psyche of the leader of the free world. On Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it was clear that the president who claimed "I alone can fix it" was trying desperately to find someone else to blame for the current global mess focused on North Korea.

Trump's rise-and-tweet routine included a nice ego massage, with retweets of people saying "Trump is a winner!" "We love you, Mr. President!" and thanking him. But hours after the president warned that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was "on a suicide mission" and threatened to "totally destroy North Korea," he didn't give specifics or even ramp up the threats. He blamed other presidents for making him have to do some work.

He also retweeted a supporter who sympathized with his plight.

Trump's speech to the UN may have played well with his base, but it didn't play with the international community, which fears that Trump's strong condemnation of the country — as well as his scorn for the successful multilateral deal with Iran — could "reinforce Kim’s view that he needs nuclear-armed, intercontinental ballistic missiles to deter the U.S. from attacking him," according to the Associated Press.

It also seems that the president calling this "Twitter diplomacy" would be an insult to actual diplomacy — because there are no plans for actual negotiation. Again, the AP:

"But other than using economic pressure to try to compel Pyongyang to give away its nuclear weapons — a strategy that has failed for the past decade — Trump’s administration has yet to lay out a strategy for a possible negotiated settlement. In recent weeks, the administration’s lack of direction has been all too apparent, as Trump and other top officials have vacillated between bellicose talk of possible military action and, at one point, even praise for Kim for a brief lull in missile tests."

Maybe instead of blaming his predecessors for the current situation, the president should assign some blame to a Ukrainian company that, according to The New York Times, may have sold the North Korean regime parts of an intercontinental ballistic missile on the black market.

By Jeremy Binckes

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