Stay warm and stream tunes with this Bluetooth beanie

Published January 19, 2018 8:00AM (EST)

When the weather gets exceptionally frigid, it's tough to choose between chilly ears and your headphones — after all, music is pretty much everyone's most loyal friend during a morning commute. With this Wireless Bluetooth Beanie, you don't have to pick and choose — because it's possible to get the best out of both worlds.

This plush and warm beanie includes built-in wireless headphones. Just slip it on and stay toasty, avoiding dangling wires, bulky headsets and cold ears. It's made out of tight-knit fabric to help retain its shape, so the beanie remains functional (and stylish).

As a bonus, the Bluetooth receiver is removable so you can use it to enable any wired acoustic system.

Keep your ears happy this winter: usually, this Wireless Bluetooth Beanie is $69, but you can get it now for $22.99, or 66% off the usual price.

By Salon Marketplace

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