Gift fresh, gorgeous blooms for Valentine's Day

Published February 9, 2018 7:00AM (EST)

Whether you've got a beau you want to impress, or just want to send some fresh flowers to a friend or relative, it's nice to show you care on Valentine's Day. But waiting in line at the florist or picking over sad bouquets at your local grocery store? We'll pass on that. Just use this Teleflora Valentine's Day Special instead.

No matter where the person you love lives in the US or Canada, Teleflora will deliver them the hand-arranged bouquet of your choosing on time, and ready to be enjoyed straight out of the box — no packaging materials or assembly to worry about. Even better, Teleflora works with local florists located all around the US and Canada, so you're still supporting local business and local communities.

Choose between your loved one's favorite kind of flowers, or take your pick of holiday flowers, floral baskets, centerpieces and even gourmet food baskets. Either way, you'll be delivering something beautifully crafted by hand.

There's no better gesture than showing someone you're thinking of them: get $40 worth of credit for $20 with this Teleflora Valentine's Day Special, saving 50% off. Plus, right now you can save an additional 15% when you use the coupon code 2018VDAY15 at checkout.

By Salon Marketplace

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Flowers Gifts Salon Marketplace Valentine's Day