Become fluent in another language with this helpful app

Published June 27, 2018 7:00AM (EDT)

The reason why your mandatory language lessons from high school and college probably didn't stick is that they weren't very compelling. Mondly is an app that makes language lessons so engaging, you'll actually learn to converse as fluently as a local (which is something your 10th-grade French language teacher might not have managed to do).

Using advanced state-of-the-art speech recognition, Mondly listens to your words and phrases and only responds with positive feedback if you speak clearly and correctly. The fun, quick lessons focus on pragmatic vocabulary you'll actually use, like core words, sentence formation, and a verb conjugator to help you out when you get stuck.

The conversation-focused lessons employ the work of professional voice actors and break down the learning process into short, digestible lessons.

Check out the app that was named one of the Best Apps of 2016 in the App Store, and a Google Play: Editor's Choice app. Usually, a lifetime subscription to Mondly is $1,199.75, but you can get it now for $69.99.

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