Ted Cruz says Beto O'Rourke wants Texas to be "like California . . . tofu, silicone and dyed hair"

Republican politicians keep playing identity politics despite their own claims that liberals have surrendered to it

Published September 9, 2018 12:00PM (EDT)

Ted Cruz   (Reuters/Aaron P. Bernstein)
Ted Cruz (Reuters/Aaron P. Bernstein)

Ted Cruz is determined to make his re-election campaign not about policy but about identity politics. His favorite attack against his challenger, Beto O'Rourke, is that the Democrat sides with NFL athletes who've chosen to kneel during the national anthem in protest of police brutality.

In fact, Cruz is obsessed with the topic, constantly tweet about the controversy.

It's obvious that Cruz believes the Senate seat will be won by stoking outrage in the Republican base. The tried and tested way to accomplish that is playing the identity politics game.

During a slate of speeches in Texas this week, Cruz told supporters that the Democratic Party wants "us to be just like California — right down to tofu and silicone and dyed hair," the Texas Tribune reported.

Cruz is not the only Republican who has relied on identity politics for the upcoming 2018 elections.

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has also adopted the national anthem controversy as his No. 1 concern in the lead up to November.

As Slate's Jamelle Bouie noted, Republicans are the candidates who have embraced identity politics, while Democrats have mostly been campaign on serious policy issues such as health care and education.

Cruz's latest comments about how Democrats want to turn the country into California only demonstrate how little his policy wins have been the past six years in Congress.

By Taylor Link

MORE FROM Taylor Link

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Beto O’rourke Nfl Protests Republican Party Scott Walker Senate Ted Cruz Texas