In order to be a successful marketer these days, you need to understand how to connect to an audience and convert prospective customers into sales using digital methodologies. If you're still trying to familiarize yourself mainstay digital marketing tools — for example, Google Analytics, Google Adwords and more — and figure out how to use them to create a complete digital marketing strategy, look no further than this Full-Stack Marketer Bundle.
This bundle includes three courses that cover the foundational skills and tools you need to use to drive business growth, increase revenue, boost sales and develop an authoritative, positive web presence. Learn web copy best practices, including how to successful digital copy from scratch, and make that copy strategic with effective PPC and SEO plans that drive traffic to your website and increase your ranking via search. You'll also discover how to nurture your website visitors with a targeted email marketing plan that helps you shape an overall well rounded, ideal customer experience.
There's also a course training you to use Google Analytics and Google AdWords to pull data on user behavior and develop meaningful insights that can build your online business. Finally, you'll see how you can gain traction by looking at relevant examples of successful companies who will help you revamp your approach.
Usually, this Full-Stack Marketer Bundle is $513, but you can get it here for $19.

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