A peaceful morning routine can set you up for a productive day, but it’s tough to get in the right headspace if you’re too tired to get out of bed and make your morning coffee. Even if you use an automatic coffee maker, you still have to make it to your kitchen to drink it — and hardcore snooze button fans know that’s easier said than done. Barisieur’s Tea & Coffee Maker Alarm Clock is an elegant and creative solution to morning sluggishness.
Science-lab details add a quirky edge to this morning problem solver. The coffee maker’s glassware sits atop a deep walnut and black base. After the Barisieur’s adjustable alarm wakes you up, the coffee-making magic begins.
A water vessel boils water within 3-5 minutes, then pours over your coffee or tea through a glass tube to the reusable stainless steel filter. Your coffee drips down into the included cup, while a milk vessel cools through a Peltier cooler for effortless lattes or cappuccinos.
The Barisieur has earned rave reviews from coffee and tea experts for its ability to create exceptional coffee and tea in minutes. You’ll wake up every morning with a perfect cup of your favorite coffee right next to your bed, giving your day a java jump start.
The Barisieur Tea & Coffee Maker Alarm Clock has a retail price of $445, but you can add this inventive solution to your nightstand right now for $399 (10% off).

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