“Would you mind?” I asked while pulling back the chair, inadvertently releasing a high pitched squeal as it scraped across the tile floor.
He looked up briefly, a small, quick smile on his full lips. “No, not at all,” he said pleasantly before he went back to his book, leaving me to sit in peace.
We were twenty-three then; and now, seven years later, I was waiting at home for him and his boyfriend, James, to arrive. It was my thirtieth birthday and they had promised a night of dinner and dancing at our favorite club. “A night of debauchery and hedonism” had been Nicholas’s exact words, and I was particularly look...
In reality, I wasn’t in love with him anymore; he had become my best friend. I had relied on him more than once over the past several years, through the slew of boyfriends and one-night stands, the job changes, and the unexpected passing of my father last year. He had been through it all with me, and now James had too; they are my surrogate husbands. I have other friends, girlfriends, and a few other male acquaintances, but Nicholas and James are where my heart lies, for now anyway. My last relationship ended a few months ago and I can’t say that I was very upset. He was fine for a while, kind, with a sense of humor; but he was soft and relenting—and that wasn’t what I wanted. I knew what I wanted and I was happy to keep looking for it.
I checked my phone for the time. They should be here soon, I thought, heading to the bathroom for one last check on the hair. It was behaving; long and loose like I normally wear it, the soft brown ends resting between my shoulder blades. The sheer black fitted blouse hugged my small breasts and tapered down over the ample hips that are my birthright. I had overdone it on the black eyeliner and mascara, but we were going to the club and there was no other way to make my pale features noticeable in the darkness of the dance floor. I had every intention of finding my own birthday present before the night was through. The bell drew me out to the door, and the approval on their faces was apparent as it swung wide.
“You look hot,” Nicholas said, coming in with his arms full of assorted bags. “I’m glad I made you buy that skirt. Every straight man will be staring at your ass tonight.” He laughed, leaning in and giving me a kiss on the mouth, as was our traditional greeting, but tonight it felt different. I looked up at James as my fingers ran over the remnants of his touch to find his brown eyes intent on my green ones, the corners of his mouth pulled in an upward consent.
“Happy birthday, Lucy,” he said before kissing me in the same manner Nicholas had.
“I’ll bet it won’t be just straight men admiring your ass tonight,” he whispered flirtatiously in my ear as he pulled away with a smirk. James was dressed in his usual manner, a black v-neck t-shirt and snug- fitting overpriced designer jeans, but it looked like Nick had intervened by putting a dark purple button-up shirt over the ensemble for our night out. My eyes lingered on his retreating figure, his long, lean muscular build concealing Nicholas’s smaller frame in front of him as they entered the kitchen. Both men set their bags on the counter before turning back to me.
“You can shut the door, Lucy,” Nick said, grinning. “We decided to make you dinner instead.”
“Great,” I replied. “Then out to the club, I take it?”
They looked at each other before James answered slyly. “That is, of course, if we get there.”
“Sorry, but has the entire evening been readjusted?” I asked, slightly confused.
“Only if you want it to be,” Nick said. “It is your birthday, after all.”
Just the way he said it made me laugh. “You two are up to no good.” I pointed at them. “Well, what is this new plan? Stay in and have a wake for the old lady?”
“Hey, wait! I’ll be thirty next month,” Nicholas said. “Thirty’s not old, we’re just getting started, love.” He cracked the seal on a bottle of vodka that had suddenly appeared from one of the bags. “Let me get you a drink and we can talk about it.”
I sat watching them hum around the small white box of a kitchen. Ice and a slice of lemon went into the glass before the vodka as Nicholas intermittently looked over at me to gauge how I was taking this turn of events, but I was used to it. He was famous for his spontaneity and it was one of the many reasons James and I loved him; he was the singular creature who kept us from the monotony of our lives.
Nicholas crossed the small room and sat next to me on the red velvet sofa, my prized possession. I had bought it with several years of saved Christmas money. I felt the slip of the cold glass in my hand and immediately took a sip as Nick nervously ran his hand through his light brown hair. He paused before speaking, pulling at the cuff of his shirt until it was adjusted to the perfect placement at the end of his wrist. Nicholas was always impeccably groomed and tonight was no exception. The slate grey shirt was snug, highlighting the muscular triangle of an upper body he referred to as his “Louganis”—due to his childhood crush—and his black jeans screamed of a price tag in the neighborhood of my rent check. He was, as always, the most beautiful boy I’d ever seen, regardless of what he was wearing.
“Last night we were talking,” he said, finally looking over at James, who had placed himself opposite us in the green chair reclaimed from the street, his long legs spread wide. “And we wanted to give you something special for such a milestone birthday.”
“Milestone?” I choked as the vodka burned down my throat.
James chuckled. “Again, this is my fault. I made the suggestion, so all the blame can be thrown my way.”
I glanced back at Nick. “Look, I’m not mad. In fact, I don’t really care what we do. It’s just a birthday, and not a very big one at that, right? We’re still young and handsome,” I joked, nudging him and taking another sip.
“Exactly my point last night,” James interjected, his face serious as he leaned forward. “I suggested to Nick that we should give you something lasting, something I think you would perhaps enjoy very much. It took some convincing, but I think Nicholas has come around quite well to the idea.”
Nick blushed fully, even the tips of his ears reddening. “What my ever-so-clever boy is saying is that we want you to watch.”
“Watch what? TV, a movie, ping-pong? Just tell me,” I said, getting slightly irritated at the go round they were putting me through.
“Us. We want you to watch us,” James said. “Will you, Lucy?”
The burn of his eyes told me everything I needed to know, and the flutter that rolled through my stomach and into my groin gave me my answer.
“You want me to watch you two have sex? That is my present?”
“Look, it was a silly idea, wasn’t it, James?” Nicholas said suddenly as he stood up, glaring at his partner. “I need a drink.”
“Wait, sit back down, please.” I motioned to the empty space beside me. As he eased into the warm velvet, I took another long sip. “So, this was your idea?” I asked, looking accusingly at James.
“Yes, and in case you were unaware, I am a bit of an exhibitionist, to which Nick can attest most adamantly.” He was looking hard at Nicholas now, eyes dark as the idea of fucking him in front of me started to take on a more realistic shape.
“Nick told me a long time ago that you had a fantasy about watching two men have sex together, so what better gift could we give you than making a fantasy come true?”
The drink was gone now, the ice clicking against my teeth, but I didn’t remember taking that last long swallow. My mind was too busy thinking about how this would work and if I could actually stand to be in the same room with them fully engaged without wanting to join in. It had, of course, crossed my mind on occasion, and how could it not? They were extremely affectionate with each other no matter where we happened to be, and sometimes it spilled over onto me. It was always welcome, but it held a promise that was never fulfilled, until now.
"Yes,” I said, looking directly at James.
“Excellent,” was the only word he uttered before rising slowly from the chair and extending his hand to Nick.
“You’re sure?” Nicholas asked, ignoring the gesture.
“Yes, again,” I whispered, kissing him fully on the mouth, now completely turned on at the thought of their forthcoming exhibition. “Thank you for such a generous gift.”
He grinned and ran the slight stubble of his check across mine until his lips were at my ear. “You won’t be disappointed, James has a beautiful cock,” he whispered, making me laugh.
“I know, love, you’ve told me a million times,” came my retort as our foreheads met in solidarity.
James cleared his throat, turning Nick’s attention back to him.
“Shall we get started?”
“What about dinner?” Nick asked.
James looked over at me. “I think Lucy is more than ready to receive her present and I would find it difficult myself to wait now that we are all agreed.”
I nodded my head as James pulled Nicholas towards the bedroom. “I’ll just get myself another drink then.”
“Bring the bottle,” Nick called out as he disappeared into the dark room.
I took my time, even prepared two more glasses, allowing them the opportunity to move past the initial awkward stage of having me watch from the very beginning.
The only light that brightened the small cramped bedroom came from the streetlight outside illuminating the two nude bodies that were already intertwined on the bed. I set the three glasses on my dresser, seemingly undetected, and poured them full as the low sounds of sucking and intermittent moans filtered into my ears. The floor seemed the best place to remain as unobtrusive as possible, so I settled in, slowly sipping the cold vodka. It did little to brace me for what I was seeing.
A moment later the two men rose onto their knees, still touching, their hard cocks slicing against each other as they kissed sensuously.
Nicholas turned his head towards me, breaking the kiss. “Can you see well enough, Lucy?” he asked as James grabbed his cock and began to stroke him.
“Yes, very well now,” I said, keeping my voice low, afraid to break the mood.
James chuckled and pulled Nick’s head around to claim his lips again. They were beautiful, more so than I ever could have imagined; their bodies coming in and out of contact in an almost combative way, tempered only by the erotic moans that escaped their fully occupied mouths.
James left Nicholas’s lips with purpose and began to suck on his dark brown nipples. Nick threaded his fingers through the lush black hair that graced his lover’s crown and gave him a soft command that I couldn’t hear but immediately understood. Nick let himself fall back on the bed and stretched his long legs on either side of James as his hand wrapped around the base of his own shaft. James gave the thick cock a demanding slap before leaning forward and taking him entirely in his mouth, making Nick’s hips thrust at the sensation.
I was wet, wetter than I had been in a very long time, my carefully chosen “fuck me” birthday underwear soaked through long before I thought it would be tonight. As Nicholas writhed under James, I leaned forward, my eyes unable to tear themselves away from the erotic bliss before me.
The last five minutes of our seasoned friendship was the most alluring it had ever been. And then it changed forever.
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