A snake tied itself into a knot right in the pit of her stomach and settled there while she picked up the phone and dialed. She felt like throwing up. And stupid, calling a complete stranger to set up a date that was essentially being forced upon her. This woman would go out with her not because she wanted to, but because she was obligated to. What kind of fun would she have?
Gia began questioning the intelligence of this decision, this whole bidding thing.
On the other hand, what was to stop two strangers from having a good time together? It happened all the time. Who knew, maybe they would hit it off. No obl...
What a disaster. She was about to hang up when she heard the dreaded word . . .
“Uh . . . uh . . . H-hi. This is Gia. I won . . . I bid on . . . you know . . . the other night?”
“Oh, yeah. Hi.” Was that amusement in her voice?
Gia had read in the letter that the woman’s name was Jaylee Sinclair, which she hadn’t heard during the auction because she was busy being swallowed up by the universe.
“So, you’re calling to collect on the goods,” Jaylee said.
Gia couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah. Um, what’s the usual thing?”
“Whatever you want it to be, I was told. I’ve never done this before.” She paused, then asked, “Do you want to have dinner?”
Gia thought for a second and decided on another idea. “Well, I have another one of these fundraiser things to go to, and I could use a date. Would you go with me? Or would that be, like, the most horrendous thing you could possibly think of?”
Jaylee chuckled. “No, not at all. You get to do with me whatever you like.”
The sound of that suddenly made the sensations inside Gia’s belly change considerably.
“Great. I’ll pick you up.”
Jaylee gave Gia her address, and with promises of a good time, she hung up.
A spark went up Gia’s spine. She had the feeling that this date was going to be interesting. A sense of anticipation began to web itself throughout her nerves, a blooming expectation of something different, exciting . . . wild.
The fact that the event was only three days away was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because she could go out with Jaylee before she lost her nerve, and a curse because it was too soon.
On the night of their date, she picked Jaylee up at her apartment and drove to the fundraiser. The conversation in the car was more comfortable than Gia had expected, and by the time they arrived at the venue, she felt as if she were on a real date with someone she knew. But as the valet took her key and they walked toward the front door, she reminded herself that this wasn’t a real date. It was a pretend date. She felt like a whore. No, wait, she was the john. Jesus Christ.
Gia was uncomfortable at first. Could people see that her date had been purchased? Many of the guests had also been at the auction, so anyone who didn’t know at the beginning of the evening was sure to know by the end.
Jaylee, however, was the epitome of cool. The looks they got didn’t seem to bother her. A serene smile stayed on her face the entire evening, even as people asked questions. Jaylee answered them politely and maintained an even demeanor and that placid smile.
Jaylee was not only funny and charming, she had a raw sex appeal that seemed to rise from her body like an early morning mist off a river. Everyone around them felt it and turned their way as they walked around. Still, Jaylee remained cool.
Except, every once in a while, when they stopped to sip their cocktails, or when they had made a joke and laughed, Jaylee would turn her gaze on her, softly and sympathetically. But there was something else going on behind her eyes. Something raw and primal.
And it made Gia tremble.
The fundraiser was like any other such party: stuffy, boring, and fifty hours too long, populated by snooty rich people who could wipe their asses with hundred-dollar bills without blinking, and sound-tracked with live piano music that would put a cokedout rock band to sleep. The same obnoxious humor, the same sanctimonious blathering and cruel gossip veiled with insincere concern for the poor protagonist of whatever shocking story they were telling.
Jaylee must have sensed her boredom because she kept the conversation going and told jokes. After a while, she said, “Let’s get out of here.”
Jaylee took Gia by the hand and led her out of the building. Once outside, Gia reached into her purse for her valet ticket. While they waited for the car, Gia asked,
“Where are we going?”
“To a party.”
“This is a party.”
“A different party. A friend of mine is having a thing. I told her I’d stop by if I could. Do you mind?”
Gia shook her head.
The valet brought her car around and after tipping him, Gia gave Jaylee the key. “Why don’t you drive, since you know the way.”
They drove in silence until they pulled up ten minutes later into the driveway of a private house.
They got out of the car, and Jaylee rang the bell. Sounds of music, laughter, and conversation emanated from the cracks of the door and the open windows. The door opened and a tall blonde smiled brightly. “Jaylee! You made it. I thought you were . . . occupied.” She looked at Gia.
“Yeah, well, change of plans. This is Gia. Gia, this is Sue.”
“Hi,” Sue said, a wicked grin on her face. Her eyes flicked up and down Gia’s body. Then she opened the door wider. “Come in. Get yourselves a drink at the bar and have a good time.”
Jaylee led them to the bar, saying hello and kissing friends along the way, but not stopping to really talk.
The bar was a large antique hutch in the corner of the room, loaded with bottles of alcohol and a selection of glasses for different drinks. “What’ll you have?” Jaylee asked.
“Whatever you’re having,” Gia replied.
Jaylee selected two martini glasses and picked up a shaker. After filling it with gin, dry vermouth, and cracked ice from an ice bucket, she fitted the top on and shook it vigorously. She removed the cap and poured the contents into the two glasses, and handed one to Gia.
“What, no olives?” Gia said, teasing, as she took hers.
“Why? You want something to eat?”
Gia’s entire throat went dry. She just smiled and sipped her drink. It was so hot in there, and for some reason, it caused big lumps to form in her throat. It seemed improbable, but the next time she looked into her glass, it was empty.
“You wanna dance?” Jaylee asked.
They put down their glasses and found a spot in the large living room, which was difficult, since the house was packed. Couples danced to mellow soul playing from the sound system. The crowd was mostly women, a few men, and even one or two straight couples, all well on their way to inebriation. Some were off to the sides making out, and one lesbian couple was making their way up the stairs.
Gia fell easily into Jaylee’s arms, and Jaylee pulled her close. Just enough to drive her crazy. Gia’s cocktail purse, which hung across her body, was a barrier so she pushed it to the side. The firm, tight muscles of Jaylee’s body felt so good. Gia’s flesh grew hot all over. And then they moved closer so that every curve of Gia’s body fit into a groove of Jaylee’s.
Jaylee pushed just a hair closer, probably not noticeable to anyone else, but for Gia, it was like worlds colliding. Her mouth was close to Gia’s cheek, and Gia could feel her breath getting heavier and harder.
As they swayed, Jaylee ran her lips lightly along Gia’s throat, making her shiver. Her shoulders, breasts, belly, and thighs all trembled with a deliciousness that made her want more. The feel of Jaylee’s tongue on the hollow of her throat, on her earlobe, and just behind her ear made her want to strip naked and let Jaylee do whatever she wanted. Right there in the living room.
She didn’t care.
Soft-looking and flushed red, Jaylee’s lips were like magnets for Gia’s. Gia was glad she’d worn a dress because she was sure that if she’d been wearing pants, a big wet spot would have shown up between her legs. Their lips met in a hot, deep kiss that melted Gia to the core.
Jaylee pulled away and looked up the stairs. She took Gia’s hand and led her up, Gia offering no resistance, her underwear more soaked with each step. At the top, Jaylee stopped in front of one door and opened it.
They both peeked in to find that the bed was currently occupied by the couple she’d seen going up earlier, one’s head buried in the other’s pussy. Another bedroom was occupied as well, but there was one more door. This room was empty and Jaylee grinned and pulled Gia inside.
She shut the door and led Gia to the bed.
Gia didn’t know who took off what or when, but it wasn’t long before they were both naked and writhing against each other. Flames licked Gia’s body with Jaylee’s touch on every part of her, using hands, lips, and tongue. Then Jaylee reached down the side of the bed and pulled something up.
“Where did that come from?” Gia asked, staring at the dildo in Jaylee’s hand.
“Don’t ask questions,” Jaylee whispered.
Gia didn’t. Her pussy ached, and she was beyond the point of no return, and it didn’t really matter how that dildo came to be there. She also didn’t know where the condom had come from, but Jaylee strapped on the dildo, rolled on the condom, and, with Gia’s encouragement, moved quickly.
“Harder,” Gia rasped. “Harder.”
Jaylee put her weight into each thrust, her pelvis meeting Gia’s in hard collisions, over and over. She pounded for several minutes, and then started to pull out slowly.
“What are you doing? Don’t stop. Please,” Gia croaked.
“Don’t worry,” Jaylee said, playfulness in her voice.
The door creaked open and Gia looked up. A redheaded woman walked in, and Gia thought she was hallucinating. It was the woman she’d outbid at the auction.
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