Like it or not, Excel is a foundational platform used across business for a reason. And it's actually not just for its ability to work as a spreadsheet and organize data — in its more advanced applications, Excel can help you crunch huge datasets, automate repetitive workflows and perform advanced business analysis. The caveat is that it can be pretty complicated to try to figure out how to do those things on your own. This Epic Excel 2019 Mastery Bundle includes both more basic lessons and advanced applications of the platform, so whether you're a newbie or more intermediate, you can learn something new you can take with you to your office.
First, you'll learn what’s new in Excel 2019: you'll familiarize yourself with creating and navigating workbooks, including working with rows, columns, and cells. You'll also learn essential functions and formulas, including PivotTables and logical and lookup formulas. Once you deeply familiarize yourself with the basics, you'll move into an in-depth understanding of more advanced Excel features, including large dataset consolidation, analysis and effective reporting of financial information.
You'll also learn to leverage VBA to perform more advanced procedures for automating tough and time-consuming Excel jobs with advanced micros — and you can customize VBA for the specific tasks you had in mind.
Here's how the bundle works: name a price, and you'll unlock the last course. Beat the average price and you'll get all seven courses. Usually, the Epic Excel 2019 Mastery Bundle is $273, but you can get it for up to 99% off.
