It’s easy to get stuck in a rut if you’ve been working at the same job for a long time. Repetitive tasks, massive projects with tight deadlines or just plain boredom can lead to burnout and serious stress. If you’re mentally exhausted all the time at work and feel like you’re spinning your wheels, it might be time to switch directions.
Learning new skill sets will prepare you to apply for new jobs, or give you the opportunity to branch out in fresh directions at your current job. These six career development courses will help you pave a new path — and they’re all an extra 20% off with the coupon code SAVE20BIZ.
The Viral Digital Marketing Diploma Bundle
Become an SEO, SEM, SMM and Content master with this four-module course. You’ll look at a case study of a successful online business, then take that knowledge and use it to build some practice digital marketing campaigns. Effective ads, engaging content and social media mastery are just a few clicks away.
Sale Price: $99.99
Price with SAVE20BIZ: $79.99

The Complete Business Skills Mastery Bundle
Soft skills are the intangible elements that separate good employees from great leaders. With this class, you’ll learn how to make intelligent decisions, think critically in times of chaos and connect with your employees. You’ll also master basic public speaking skills and discover how to motivate a team.
Sale Price: $39.99
Price with SAVE20BIZ: $31.99

The Complete Photoshop Diploma Bundle
Becoming adept at Photoshop can come in handy at almost any job — it’s one of the most in-demand skills out there. Hands-on demonstrations and multiple skills tests set this Photoshop course apart from the crowd. You’ll learn how to edit and enhance photos, automate complex tasks and much more.
Sale Price: $99.99
Price with SAVE20BIZ: $79.99

The Complete Graphic Design Diploma Bundle
Graphic design know-how gives you leverage when you’re applying to that new job posting, and it also leaves the door open for lucrative freelance side gigs. These classes show you how to develop your creative ideas and bring them to life with advanced color theory, Photoshop skills and much more. You’ll learn how to design logos, infographics, ebooks and whatever else you can dream up.
Sale Price: $99.99
Price with SAVE20BIZ: $79.99

The Complete Web Dev Diploma Bundle
This bundle will show you the principles behind web development from A to Z. You’ll learn how to bring content to life through programming languages like JavaScript, get an in-depth look at database models and learn how to make a website look incredible with front-end development tips.
Sale Price: $99.99
Price with SAVE20BIZ: $79.99

The Complete Photography Diploma Bundle
Click your way to digital photography mastery with this bundle. You’ll learn both the theory and practice of taking and editing stunning photos. Discover how to pick the perfect angle, manipulate exposure and flash tools and use an editing software for your own masterpiece. You’ll also learn advanced techniques, like how to navigate low-light settings and how to use macro lenses.
Sale Price: $99.99
Price with SAVE20BIZ: $79.99
