Jen Psaki asked whether Biden is planning for Trump to try and re-take White House in August

"The president is prepared to continue to govern," Jen Psaki responded

Published June 25, 2021 9:55PM (EDT)

White House press secretary Jen Psaki (Getty Images)
White House press secretary Jen Psaki (Getty Images)

White House correspondent for Playboy Magazine, Brian Karem, posed an unexpected question to President Joe Biden's press secretary, Jen Psaki, during a Friday press briefing: is the current administration prepared in the event former President Donald Trump seeks to be re-installed as president come August?

The claim has been championed in recent weeks by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and other fervent Trump allies, and Trump himself reportedly believes it will come true.

"Is this administration prepared for — we've heard rumblings from the former president and supporters about August and the inevitability of him being reinstated? Is this administration prepared to meet the challenge if, in fact, they press that issue in August?" Karem asked.

"We've already seen an insurrection; what would this administration's actions be if that is pressed in August?"

The press secretary responded by saying Biden remains committed to leading the nation, despite claims made by right-wing activists that Trump will be re-installed as president.

"The president is prepared to continue to govern and lead the United States of America," Psaki stated. "Of course, should there be an elevation, an escalation, you know, that is something we would certainly monitor and track as well."

TrumpWorld itself remains largely spit on the idea that Trump will be re-installed come August.

However, the initial August theory cooked up by Lindell claims that the former president will be re-installed in August, pending widespread voter fraud stemming from the 2020 election being uncovered, has already been revised. 

"I might be off by a month," Lindell said in a recent interview with a right-wing Christian outlet while hinting that the Trump second-coming might not occur in August but rather on "God's time." 

By Zachary Petrizzo

Zachary Petrizzo was an investigative reporter at Salon. Follow him on Twitter @ZTPetrizzo.

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2020 Election Aggregate August Donald Trump Jen Psaki Joe Biden Politics