“Conjured out of thin air”: CNN calls out bizarre Trump lie about “people who don’t speak languages”

“We have languages coming into our country. We have nobody that even speaks those languages," Trump ranted

By Igor Derysh

Managing Editor

Published March 1, 2024 11:09AM (EST)

Former president Donald Trump speaks during a visit to Eagle Pass, Tex. on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. Trump is joined by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.  (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Former president Donald Trump speaks during a visit to Eagle Pass, Tex. on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. Trump is joined by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday went on a bizarre rant about migrants during a speech at the U.S.-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas.

“Nobody can explain to me how allowing millions of people from places unknown, from countries unknown, who don’t speak languages,” Trump said during his speech. “We have languages coming into our country. We have nobody that even speaks those languages. They’re truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them, and they’re pouring into our country, and they’re bringing with them tremendous problems, including medical problems, as you know.”

CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins cut into Trump’s speech to note that he “told several lies about the border.”

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale noted that Trump has previously made a similar claim “about people arriving speaking languages that no one‘s ever heard.”

“He said in a previous, recent speech, ‘We didn‘t even have one translator who could understand this language,” Dale said. “I‘ve looked into this, seems to be just conjured out of thin air. It‘s nonsense.”

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