For Rush, a warm Republican embrace

Introducing a pro-Limbaugh resolution, a GOP representative says Congress should debate Iraq with "solemn respect."

Published October 2, 2007 12:08PM (EDT)

So if you're a Republican member of Congress, you're probably thinking that, even if his "phony soldiers" attack might be susceptible to a couple of different interpretations, you'd like to keep a little distance from Rush Limbaugh just now, right?


Jack Kingston, a GOP representative from Georgia, introduced a resolution Monday commending "Mr. Limbaugh's desire to see American troops achieve a successful outcome in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever soldiers are stationed and his tireless public support for American troops and their families through radio broadcasts, fundraising and other public support."

The resolution also calls on the House of Representatives to commit itself to "debate any supplemental funding request or any policy decisions regarding the war in Iraq with the solemn respect and the commitment to integrity that the sacrifices of these members of the Armed Forces and civilian personnel deserve."

Yes, Kingston voted in favor of last month's resolution condemning MoveOn for its Petraeus/"Betray Us" ad.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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