Five pop culture items we missed

Today's catch: Russian cigarettes market teen sex, Netflix across the nation, and Pizza Hut's drag dilemma

Published July 13, 2011 11:14PM (EDT)

1. Drag of the day: Pizza Hut allegedly kicked out a patron in Wallace, N.C., for entering the chain restaurant in a dress. The managers say what bothered them was the guy never ordered anything.

2. Movie nation of the day: New site Slacktory has a great chart of the most popular Netflix film for each state.

I can't really tell, but I'm pretty sure Delaware's is "Final Destination."

3. Mila and the Marine update of the day: Welp, it looks like their date might not be happening, because Kunis is super-duper busy. But maybe it will anyway? Stay tuned!

4. Russia's terrible double-entendre of the day: Not only does its cigarette brand Kiss market to teenage girls, but its ads translate to, approximately, "I love everything new, delicious and round!"

 That's what she … oh, forget it.

5. Comedian grab bag of the day: This episode of the Web show "Low Standards" is a must-watch for anyone who has ever wondered what Julie Klausner, Victoria Jackson, Andrew Dice Clay and Lea Thompson would say to each other if forced to have a conversation.

By Drew Grant

Drew Grant is a staff writer for Salon. Follow her on Twitter at @videodrew.

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