Richard L. Cupp Jr.

Richard L. Cupp Jr. writes and speaks extensively about animals’ evolving legal status. Publications that have highlighted his scholarship and views in this field include National Geographic, Popular Science, and the Journal of the American Veterinary Association News. Last year at the National Press Club he debated Steven Wise, president of the Nonhuman Rights Project, regarding animal legal personhood (video available at: Two of his law review articles were relied upon heavily in the leading judicial decision thus far rejecting animal legal personhood (case available at He has been quoted in numerous national and international news sources regarding animals’ appropriate legal status. He has also advised many organizations on this subject, including the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Science, Technology and Law, the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Neuroscience, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the National Association for Biomedical Research, the Animal Health Institute, and the American Animal Hospital Association. His scholarly publications may be downloaded at

Hillary Clinton, Cat
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