Drama queen for a day: Our 3 painful stories

By Mothers Who Think

Published September 12, 1997 7:00PM (EDT)

Ah, September. The whiff of peanut butter's in the air, and we're all looking forward to that morning when you pull up to the front door of your child's school and discover, to your utterly unprepared amazement, that the playground is deserted, the doors are locked and nobody told you it was a holiday. Or it's -- surprise! -- Picture Day, and due to a laundry emergency your child is wearing his brother's too-small Hercules T-shirt and a stained flannel shirt flaked with oatmeal. But don't worry: By Labor Day, most of the stores have festooned their aisles with Christmas displays, and it's never too early to get an early start on buying presents for your husband's relatives, is it?

This month's messages from the sisterhood remind us once again that we should be grateful for the little things in life -- a good night's sleep, a box of diapers and pets that like to wolf down food and not waterbeds. Tell us who you think deserves to be Drama Queen for a Day. Register your vote no later than 6 p.m. PDT on Friday, Sept. 19. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, Sept. 23, and will be treated to a free housecleaning session, courtesy of Merry Maids and Mothers Who Think.

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