Bleak house

Can your marriage survive when you can't stand the sight of his ever-widening butt lying on the couch?

Published November 15, 1999 5:00PM (EST)

Where to even begin? Can your marriage survive when you can't stand the sight of his ever-widening butt lying on the couch? I thought women were the ones who were supposed to get fat.

Can your marriage survive when the only time he wants intercourse is
when his penis is already hard (probably from a cool breeze) and his
idea of foreplay is putting saliva on his penis for lubrication?

Can your marriage survive when his idea of humor is sitting in the
bathroom with the door open and grunting and asking you to come hold his hand?

Can your marriage survive with all this? Can you try to get past these
things and remember the man you met? The man with the flowers and
the dinners out? You can try -- but these memories begin to fade by the

By Salon Staff

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