Post of the Week Post of the Week

Post of the Week

Published January 14, 2000 7:03PM (EST)

Breakfast in America: watch the potatoes

Home and Away
Thompson Robert - 08:35am Jan 13, 2000 PST (# 17 of 50)

I've had my fill of his elitist and pompous thinking, as well as his
"righter-than-thou" way of expressing himself. Arguing with him is pointless,
as he is, of course, always right. --LaDeeVah

One my most favorite meals for breakfast is Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast,
otherwise known as SOS, short for Shit on a Shingle. I tunrned my wife onto it
and she loves it.

Living down South for a few years I grew really fond of Sausage biscuitwith
gravy, which of course is similar to SOS, and grits. Again, I introduced this to my
wife to these items and she is now a convert. However, being Asian she'll do
some sacrilegious things to grits like adding sweet Indonesian soy sauce or maple
syrup. I'm also fond of fried catfish for breakfast.

Returning to my native Philadelphia I can again enjoy Scrapple for breakfast.
Scrapple is pork scraps mixed with corn meal. It's somewhat similar to sausage.
Slice it thin and fry it. Mmmmmmmmmm.

What is it about Paris?

Home and Away
Katharine Weber - 02:15pm Jan 8, 2000 PST (# 185 of 199)

It was extraordinary, that storm. A Citroen on the street all smashed in by a chunk
of roof. Trees down, huge slabs of metal off roofs, flower pot debris
everywhere.....we were astonished MORE people weren't hurt. Really ghastly. And
then it was all magically cleaned up. The men in green uniforms just made it all go
away, except for the very big toppled trees. I saw a bucket truck one day later, with
five men, busily......untangling the Christmas lights that had been twisted by the

It rained and rained and rained but then cleared for the wonderful New Year's Eve,
which we witnessed from an apartment on the Rue Royale, perfectly situated above
the fray. Then a lovely 3 am walk home through carless streets.....with drunks
passed out just everywhere, like a science fiction film. And then by 7 in the a.m.
bakeries had bread and pastries ready.

"DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB" -- How to Pay the Rent While Writing the Great American Novel, or Haiku, or...

Sam Post - 07:51pm Jan 10, 2000 PST (# 5 of 53)

I majored in English, although my father kept suggesting I take a business course
or two. I never did, and I'm the world's worst businessperson. He was right.

Teaching isn't bad. There are two months in the summer, five days at
Thanksgiving, two weeks in the winter, and one week in the spring. All weekends
are free.

The essential element, for me, is consecutive days with long, uncluttered stretches
of time. I've accomplished this by rising at 4:30 A.M. every day for six or eight
weeks in a row. The only thing I'm able to do at that hour is drink coffee and
write. But it's painful, and impossible as a steady diet.

I don't think English teachers can do much writing during the school year
because of the constant stream of papers to grade. For the past sixteen years, I've
taught computers. The stress can build, but I never grade papers, these days, it's
seldom mundane. Also, children -- if you like children, which I do -- can be rather

I used to teach tennis. It's not bad because it's slow in the winter and dead on
rainy days.

Nothing, however, beats solitude. I rarely get any. However, I spent yesterday in
the mountains, alone, and got a lot of work done --both writing and lesson
planning. Forest ranger?

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