Blue Glow

Salon's TV picks for Thursday, June 1, 2000

Published June 1, 2000 7:40PM (EDT)


Candice Bergen is profiled on a new Biography (8 p.m., A&E). Frasier (9 p.m., NBC) reruns the episode where Frasier and Roz get ideas when they travel to an out-of-town conference. On a rerun of ER (10 p.m., NBC), Ming-Na returns as Dr. Deb Chen. 20/20 Downtown (10 p.m., ABC) profiles the late Robert Reed, the "Brady Bunch" dad who lived with a secret his entire career.


Those slasher-movie-obsessed kids return in another airing of Wes Craven's Scream (8 p.m., Fox). Larry King hosts Twenty Years of Stories: This is CNN (9 p.m., CNN), a live, two-night retrospective of CNN's

coverage of the biggest news stories of the past two decades, including the Gulf War, the Clinton impeachment hearings and the Oklahoma City bombing. Among the newsmakers interviewed are Jimmy Carter, Anita Hill and Colin Powell.


Stanley Cup finals:

Stars at Devils, Game 2 (8 p.m., ESPN)


Rosie O'Donnell (syndicated) Halle Berry, cast of Broadway's "Swing"

David Letterman (CBS) Rene Russo, Tori Amos (rerun)

Jay Leno (NBC) Michael Douglas, Santana (rerun)

Politically Incorrect (ABC) Christopher Titus, Carroll O'Connor (rerun)

Conan O'Brien (NBC) Alan Cumming, Parker Posey (rerun)

By Joyce Millman

Joyce Millman is a writer living in the Bay Area.

MORE FROM Joyce Millman

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