I'm a home-schooled weirdo and my true love is a boozer!

The girls tell him, "You're weird" -- and they really mean it. But Cary identifies with the guy, and invites him to San Francisco.

Published December 5, 2001 9:00AM (EST)

Cary Tennis regularly brings to Salon his impassioned oratory on things that should be none of his business.

This week, in his role as Salon's advice columnist, he replies to a letter from a 21-year-old man who received a non-standard upbringing from his free-thinking parents and read Ernest Becker prematurely. His acute confusion about his place in life causes him to wonder, "What the hell should I do? I'm not a normal guy!"

Being not a normal guy himself, Cary says the last thing you should do is seek understanding from girls. They'll never understand. Just pack your bags and move to San Francisco. There's probably a girl waiting for you here who's not a normal girl. You'll fit in just fine.

For broadcast or other reuse, contact Adrienne Crew.

By Cary Tennis

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