
Readers trounce Rick Marin, and praise Sandy M. Fernandez.

Published February 28, 2003 9:33PM (EST)

[Read "Men Behaving Badly" by Jake Tapper and "I Dated Rick Marin" by Sandy M. Fernandez.]

Read the article. Sounded like an interesting book. So I went to Amazon.com to read the excerpt. Still sounds like an interesting book. I think I'll buy a copy ... in about a year. Used. Provided I can't get a bootleg copy downloaded from the Internet. Or borrow it from my local library.

It sounds like the kind of book every woman should read. Just not pay for. The more women who actually buy the book new, the more royalties The Fucker gets.

Talk about rewarding bad behavior.

-- Beverley Brackett

Just about every woman has her "Cad," the not-particularly-good-looking, often older and more experienced guy who wins her over by relentlessly showering her with affection -- until she finally caves in and returns it. Rick Marin seems to believe there's something dangerous and even desirable about the hardly uncommon way he boosted his ego at the expense of others. And he seems to think the fact that he's getting married -- that he finally found a woman wonderful enough to "tame him" -- provides a happy ending to his sordid little tale.

If he's still married in 10 years, THEN he should write a book, because he'll actually have something worthwhile to say.

-- Lisa Canfield

Sandy: All I can say is you Rule! And I hope "What's Her Name" in New York wakes up one morning and says, "You sure are one hell of a ****er." (Imagine his proud grin here.) The next scene being, of course, his return to an empty flat. Now that's a movie I'll go see.

-- Ellen Bunting

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