It's not clear why Will Ferrell was speaking to the graduating seniors at Harvard this week, but what he said was enough to get him Dixie Chicked in some parts of this great land of ours. The comic pretended to read a letter to the students from President Bush that said: "One of the challenges you will face is finding a job in our depressed economy. In fact, the chances of finding a job are about as good as finding weapons of mass destruction in the Iraqi desert -- slim and none, and slim just left the building." (CNN)
Leave it to Hustler publisher Larry Flynt to go for the gold. He says he has a source for nude photos of Amber Frey. Remember the Laci and Scott Peterson case? Amber was the other woman, is a massage therapist and supposedly took her clothes off for a photographer and then signed away her rights to the shots. Frey's lawyer, Gloria Allred, says her client didn't give her permish for the shots to be published, but don't put it past ol' Larry to find a way. (Fox News)
We all know that Matt Drudge is not the most stable person around, but buried in a recent Q&A with Camille Paglia is an unusually wacko statement from the guy: "There are issues that I'm so frightened of -- 1.2 million abortions a year scares the hell out of me. Oftentimes when I see these superstorms forming, you know, sometimes -- I wouldn't be honest if I didn't think it was retribution." So what causes earthquakes, Matt -- premarital sex? (Radar)
Director Michael Mann made movie history when he put Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in their first-ever scene together in "Heat." Mann's obviously trying for the same kind of drama by pairing Tom Cruise and Adam Sandler in his new film "Collateral," with Cruise playing a hit man who hails a cab driven by Sandler. (IMDB)
Ignore what your broker says, the hot stock will be the one in the company that makes "U-shaped blinders" (whatever they are) that will be used soon by Wal-Mart to cover up any magazines that might make their shoppers "uncomfortable" because of scantily clad female celebrities on their covers. Since the only publication that doesn't feature such shocking cover images is Reader's Digest, there should be a run on said blinders. (USA Today)
-- Karen Croft
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Clearly, Mick Jagger's no Tom Jones. At a press conference in Munich on Thursday, the old Stone griped about the supreme lack of women's undies hurled his way during the opening show of the European leg of the Rolling Stones' current tour. Men's skivvies they got. In fact, "It was all men," Jagger observed. "I don't know what that says. They left all the girls at home or whatever, I don't know. Usually we get a few bits of underwear on the stage. Last night there were a few Y-fronts." (Reuters)
Speaking of aging rockers, Carlos Santana has invited you to join him in "spreading a spiritual virus." Furthermore, he'd like you to "create a masterpiece of joy on this planet." (Associated Press)
Raise your hand if you saw this one coming (not you, Mr. Ebert): All the mudslinging between a certain movie critic and a certain crazy actor/director has stirred up enough interest in the Cannes loser "Brown Bunny" to earn it consideration for theatrical release. "The irony is that the dust-up in the 'Bunny's' wake -- inarguably, it has been more entertaining than the film itself -- could yet make the film a hot property even though some viewers initially dismissed it as unreleasable. At the very least, it would have to go out unrated or NC-17," asserts the Hollywood Reporter. One indie distributor notes that people are curious about the flick and adds, "I think that the film can be viewed as very self-indulgent. But I found that there were issues of masculinity explored that were interesting, and even the film's narcissism plays into that in an interesting way." Cough, cough ... blow job scene .. cough, cough.
Sharon Stone as Hillary Clinton in an upcoming A&E made-for-TV movie? Stone's people say that, despite reports to the contrary, they know nothing about it. Certainly, given those (never confirmed) old rumors about Stone's close relationship with the former president, it would be a casting coup. But who to play that other other woman, Monica? The A&E suits say they're "open to suggestions."
So are we. Please send your Monica casting suggestions to and use the subject line Monica. We'll print our favorites. Maybe A&E will take note?
The day after those very big heads rolled at the New York Times, eyes are rolling at Jayson Blair's assertion that he wished the carnage had stopped with him. (The best Times-related headline has to go to the New York Post, with it's front-page screamer: "Paper of Wreckage.") And it looks like Blair doesn't even have his girl around to comfort him through these tough days of regret. The Post reports that Zuza Glowacka, the former Times staffer who has appeared by Blair's side in much of the coverage of the fallout, has skipped out on the shamed scribe at the insistence of her parents.
But back to Hillary for a moment: Barbara Walters says she surprised the senator with one question: "She knew most of the questions [about Monica] were coming, but some of them she didn't know were coming, like whether [the ex-president] is a womanizer." Wonder if Hillary would be surprised to hear the writers she worked with on her book griping that she's a "ghostwriter's nightmare." Nah. Probably not.
-- Amy Reiter
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