Salon takes you to the convention floor

Convention coverage from the unembedded, unfiltered independent.

Published July 26, 2004 11:26PM (EDT)

Dear Salon Member:

As you read this, I'm in Boston with the Salon news team to cover the Democratic National Convention. While much of the media fixates on the trivial -- how many times John Kerry and John Edwards have embraced and how thick their hair is, and what Teresa Heinz Kerry and Elizabeth Edwards wear on the big nomination night -- Salon will be shining a light in the corners, tackling the issues that others shy away from and giving you the news you need. And unlike most news networks, we'll cover the convention gavel to gavel, helping to make sense of this once-every-four-years gathering of the party faithful.

Salon can cover the convention with a candor that you won't find elsewhere, and with a large editorial team despite our small size, because we're independent. We're accountable to ourselves and to you, our readers, not to the whims and second-guessing of a corporate parent.

This week, look for a beefed-up War Room '04, which has already become Salon's most popular feature. The War Room convention special will cover the speeches, the caucuses, and the parties too. We'll bring you a daily feature, "Conventional Wisdom," spotlighting smart delegates and other attendees who will talk about what's at stake in this election (we kicked it off last week with an interview with up-and-coming San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom about the nation's missing urban agenda). We'll cover all the big speeches and tell you who shone and who didn't. And we'll do it all again next month, when the Republicans gather in New York.

Salon remains independent, free to tell it how we see it, largely because of support from Salon Premium members like you. I thank you for that trust and support.

Warm Regards,

David Talbot

P.S. Want to see what other Salon Premium members have to say about the race for the White House? Perhaps advance a few theories of your own? Visit the lively White House discussion area in Salon's Table Talk. It's now free for Premium members. If you haven't already signed up for a Table Talk log-in, please visit this page and set one up. Once you have a Table Talk log-in, just click here to join the discussion.

By David Talbot

David Talbot, the founder of Salon, is the author of New York Times bestsellers like "Brothers," "The Devil's Chessboard," and "Season of the Witch." His most recent book is "Between Heaven and Hell: The Story of My Stroke."

MORE FROM David Talbot

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