Bringing on Bernie

Published December 3, 2004 5:04PM (EST)

There's lot of glowing admiration today from the Bush administration for the president's choice to replace Tom Ridge at Homeland Security: Former NYPD chief and 9/11 figure Bernard Kerik. But here is, shall we say, a differing opinion from Newsday columnist Ellis Henican: "Let this be a warning from someone who's followed the man's ladder-climbing career: He's a personal and professional time bomb the Bushies will learn to regret. Don't say I didn't warn you, guys!"

"That's certainly the message that smart law-enforcement professionals in New York were exchanging yesterday, as they shook their heads in disbelief at Kerik's latest career goal."

Here's more from Newsday on New Yorkers who are skeptical of Kerik's record:

"Critics of Bernard Kerik -- and there still are a number in city law enforcement circles -- said privately Thursday that any valid U.S. Senate confirmation process would have to turn an especially skeptical eye on his legacy here as top jail official until 2000."

"One non-fan, a Correction Department veteran, sarcastically asked if former three-star chief Anthony Serra, who rose up the ranks during Kerik's tenure but is now under indictment for misusing public resources, would become commerce secretary."

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at

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