The Fix

Did Princess Diana and JFK Jr. share a night of "pure lust"? A "War of the Worlds" boycott? Jackson thanks fans.

Published June 27, 2005 2:47PM (EDT)

Morning Briefing:
First things first: The excerpt of Matt Lauer's interview with Tom Cruise on the "Today" show on Friday published on Gawker and reprinted in Friday's Fix differed from the official transcript in several places. Click here for the official "Today" transcript. ("Today" via

Hollywood's big slump: "Batman Begins" ruled the box office for the second week in a row, taking in $26.8 million this past weekend alone. "Bewitched" came in second with $20.2 million; "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," third with $16.75 million; and "Herbie: Fully Loaded," fourth with $12.75 million. And no matter how good those numbers may sound to you, they sound pretty horrible to Hollywood types. Box office numbers have declined for 18 weekends in a row, making this the longest slump since 1985, when analysts started paying attention to such things. The downturn has resulted in a big round of speculation that as audiences are flooded with more information and gossip about celebrities' lives off-screen they become less interested in their work on-screen. (Associated Press, N.Y. Times)

When royals collide? Even Ed Klein didn't go this far. A new book by a friend of the late Princess Diana, optimistically titled "Diana: The Last Word," includes the claim that Diana had a steamy one-nighter with John F. Kennedy Jr. According to Diana-buddy-turned-author Simone Simmons, Diana and JFK Jr. hooked up at a New York hotel and had a night of "pure lust," which Diana rated a "10 out of 10." (The Sun via the Scotsman)

This means war: It was only a matter of time ... A petition has gone up online asking people to pledge to boycott the Tom Cruise vehicle "War of the Worlds." According to the site's authors, "Our decision is based solely on the abhorrent behavior of Mr. Tom Cruise. We will not be spending our good money to support the ridiculous and potentially dangerous antics of this raving narcissist. Mr. Cruises actions and comments have been offensive and insulting when not downright laughable." And after listing a host of recent Cruise offenses, the site continues: "It is revealing that the most compelling character Tom Cruise has ever portrayed is 'Frank TJ Mackay' from 'Magnolia,' a control-freak with a pathological need to assert his obsession over not just those around him, but the public as well, by exploiting his access to public media. Apparently Mr. Cruise was playing himself." The petition had collected 157 signatures as of press time. (

You're the meaning in his life: Michael Jackson has posted a statement on his official Web site thanking fans for their support during his trial: "Without God, my children, my family and you, my fans, I could not have made it through. Your love, support and loyalty made it all possible," he writes. "You were there when I really needed you. I will never forget you. Your ever-present love held me, dried my tears, and carried me through. I will treasure your devotion and support forever. You are my inspiration." (

Sad day at Pooh Corner: The actors who provided the film voices of two classic Winnie the Pooh characters, Tigger and Piglet, have both died. In a sad coincidence, Paul Winchell, the voice of Tigger, who was also an accomplished ventriloquist and inventor, died on Friday in California at the age of 82. And John Fielder, the actor behind Piglet, died on Saturday; he was 80. (N.Y. Times)

Also: During what he says is likely his final large religious rally, the ailing Rev. Billy Graham seemingly endorsed a Hillary Clinton run for the White House, telling a huge New York crowd that former President Clinton should become an evangelist himself and allow "his wife to run the country." The former first couple was at the rally to honor the evangelical leader. (Associated Press) ... Strife has broken out between the estate of Marlon Brando and the actor's eldest son, Christian. Christian contends Christie's auction house is auctioning off items that are of sentimental value to him. The lawyer for his father's estate, however, says Christian had plenty of time to pick through his father's things before the items were removed from Brando's house for sale. (Rush & Molloy, Reuters)

Money Quotes:
Lindsay Lohan on her sudden skinniness: "People keep warning me, 'Don't get too thin.' I was never on a crash diet because that's not what I do. I could never be one of those girls who throws up after eating. And my mother would kill me if I did anything stupid. But I'm happy to have lost weight, and I'm working at keeping it off. Besides, Kate Moss is my fashion icon." (London's Sunday Telegraph via N.Y. Post)

Norman Mailer completely losing it on the subject of New York Times book critic Michiko Kakutani: "Kakutani is a one-woman kamikaze. She disdains white male authors, and I'm her No. 1 favorite target. One of her cheap tricks is to bring out your review two weeks in advance of publication. She trashes it just to hurt sales and embarrass the author ... But the Times' editors can't fire her. They're terrified of her. With discrimination rules and such, well, she's a threefer: Asiatic, feminist and, ah, what's the third? Well, let's just call her a twofer. They get two for one. She is a token. And, deep down, she probably knows it." (Rolling Stone via Page Six)

Turn On:
On Monday night, Showtime offers "Same Sex America" (8 p.m. EDT), a look at seven gay couples as they plan their weddings, and Discovery brings you "The Science of Lance Armstrong" (8 p.m. EDT). And of course it's "Six Feet Under" night (HBO, 9 p.m. EDT).

-- Amy Reiter

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